
Per la produzione delle visiere FK Visors abbiamo scelto di automatizzare solo parte dei processi produttivi, lasciando alle sapienti mani dei nostri artigiani alcune fasi importanti e delicate come la bisellatura ed altri importanti passaggi fino al controllo qualità che viene scrupolosamente eseguito su ogni singola visiera.
Questa attenzione ai particolari è il reale valore aggiunto che contraddistingue un prodotto FK.

Made in Italy quality

The FK VISORS R&D department constantly tests and researches new materials to offer its customers increasingly higher performance.

Visiera FK Visors specchiata blu con trattamento FK Water Repellent

The materials we use are for 90% "Made in Japan", the antifog-antiscratch coating are already included into slabs.

Craftsman excellence

Here you can find the work processes made by hand from FK Visors craftsman


The production department can choose to made this stage by hand or through anthropomorphic robot. The visor lines are bevelled and this make the edges plainer and perfectly compatible with the helmet.


The visor hole are reamed and countersunk to obtain the right rotation and facilitate the assembly.

Quality control

The final quality control assure that the visor is free of scratches, imperfections and is suitable for packaging